Drupal Planet

How to create custom sorting logic for Drupal views

Drupal websites sometimes have a need to implement more advanced sorting logic than what's available out of the box.

One of our career-changing Drupal training course alumni asked me how to handle this today. After answering them, I decided to copy the answer into a blogpost.

The views module creates dynamic queries for us based on the configuration options we select. The UI essentially allows us to use any field for sorting in ascending (smallest to largest) or descending (largest to smallest) order. This is extremely helpful and covers the vast majority of use cases - date sorting, alphabetical sorting, and numeric sorting are all supported - but we sometimes run into limitations when we have more complicated requirements.

Some examples of these scenarios include:

ashrafabed Thu, 05/16/2024
How to create a partial date field in Drupal (i.e. Year & Month without Day)

One of Drupal's main strengths is its data modeling.

But sometimes choosing the appropriate field type comes with a form widget that isn't what we're looking for. For example, using a Date field results in the form displaying a date "widget" (form input) which includes a full date consisting of a day, month, and year, and optionally a time.

How to remove the time from a date field in Drupal

Because removing the time from date fields is such a common request, Drupal allows its removal without writing any custom code.

How to hide the time Drupal's frontend

Fortunately, the date field has a highly configurable display on the frontend. By visiting the "Manage Display" page (or configuring the field's block, if using layout builder), you will have the option of selecting (or creating) a date format.

Follow these steps to change the date's output for your frontend:

ashrafabed Fri, 04/26/2024
"ddev pull pantheon" fails on Windows with Unknown command '\U'.

In Debug Academy's Drupal 10 training course, we integrate our student projects with Pantheon's hosting environment and we use DDEV for local development.

In general, it works smoothly. However, in some instances students who use Windows (and Git Bash) receive an error upon running ddev pull pantheon . This article walks through a quick and easy workaround.

ashrafabed Tue, 10/31/2023
The Popular "Become a Drupal Architect Series" Course Starts Soon

What is the Architect Series?

Debug Academy created the Drupal Architect Series, a set of five 2.5 hour classes, because we know there are many ways to build a functional website, but not all ways are created equal. And making the wrong choice can lead to long-term headaches when faced with performance, security, caching, or data structure issues.

And it's not your fault. The options are many and can be overwhelming.

Amani.Mansour Fri, 02/24/2023
Would you rather: Early or late adopter of Drupal?

What are the pros & cons of being an early adopter of a framework?

This can be a loaded question due to misaligned incentives. Projects need early adoption to be successful.

But what is best for your career and/or project? Let's discuss it honestly.

When is "early"?

In the context of software, "early adoption" has multiple meanings.

For the sake of this conversation, "early" specifically means at least one of the following is true:

  1. The software is not yet widely used (not many case studies)
  2. Best practices have not yet been established
  3. The software has not stabilized (alpha, beta, sometimes 1.0)

It's not always clear whether using software is early.

Let me give a few examples, one of which may be counter-intuitive:

ashrafabed Mon, 09/20/2021
Join us at Drupal Diversity & Inclusion Camp 2021!

Find Debug Academy at this year's Drupal Diversity and Inclusion (DDI) Camp where we'll be leading a discussion around the latest and greatest web development technologies available.

Each path through development is different, and with the vast amount of choices available to each developer it might be difficult to hone in on where you want to go or what you need to learn next. We all have a unique choice to make, and there is never one clear way to learn tools and how to approach that process. However, we will talk about what tools are hot in tech right now, and how developers, and non-developers, can leverage these to take their career to the next level.

lindsey.gemmil… Mon, 08/09/2021
I help diverse groups of people land jobs in tech. These are my top 10 tips for getting hired in 2021.

The hiring landscape in tech isn’t what it was 10 years ago. Here’s what you need to know to get hired now, no matter who you are

Regardless of the stage of your career you’re in, trying to land a solid job in tech can be stressful.

And the hiring landscape isn't what it was 10 years ago — lots of advice is outdated, or doesn't take into account the needs of underrepresented folks in the industry.

I help diverse groups of people land jobs in tech. Here's what you need to know in 2021.

ashrafabed Mon, 05/24/2021
Learning Drupal for a web development career in 2021

My name is Jason Carr and I am the Founder of @socialdistability which is a platform aimed at connecting those with disabilities during this pandemic.

Jason Carr Tue, 05/04/2021
It's the right time to learn Drupal 9

Given the times that we live in, we needed to ask ourselves whether we should take a break from teaching our part-time hands-on courses. After all, there's a global pandemic going on. Do people want to participate in a thorough course right now? We do have other skills we can focus on if need be - in addition to teaching we are expert consultants as well as Front & Backend developers. 

Truth be told, even we weren't up for it this past Summer. We skipped our Summer semester altogether.

In the Fall we decided to let people decide for themselves. Enough students did enroll so we went ahead with our 3-month part-time course. I'll admit, I still wondered how people would feel about it given the distractions. We moved forward because I didn't want to unilaterally decide to put their careers on hold, and we already have a policy to let our students retake the course for free.

ashrafabed Fri, 01/08/2021
A New Way to GovCon - A 2020 Recap

A new virtual experience with the same great outcome.

This year was anything but ordinary when it comes to a lot of things, and Drupal GovCon was no exception. We enjoyed seeing the transition from a fully in-person to a fully online event, and how Drupal camps can still be successful no matter what curveballs are thrown at them. With that, we want to throw a big shout-out to everyone involved in putting together the camp this year and say cheers to another successful event.

lindsey.gemmil… Mon, 09/28/2020