Our DrupalCon Trainings are now available!

May 26, 2020
default author headshot Ashraf Abed
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Due to current conditions with COVID-19, DrupalCon was forced to cancel all trainings. Because of how popular our trainings were, we are pleased to offer them fully online. 

Our DrupalCon trainings are back!

With our newfound time and our ongoing commitment to accessibility & remote-availability, the Debug Academy team is proud to announce that we are offering our DrupalCon courses directly! We plan to donate a portion of the proceeds to the Drupal Association.

Elevate your Drupal 8 application with ReactJS

Advanced ReactJS development for Drupal 8

Advanced module development with OOP

How has COVID-19 impacted training courses in general?

We are aware that a number of us are running on empty, many of us simply do not have the stamina for attending full-time training programs, and that's OK. Debug Academy has created a handful of new course offerings with our present reality in mind.

When creating new course offerings, we have elected to divide them into multiple, shorter sessions when practical. In addition, our courses come equipped with presentations, written material, live instruction, experienced instructors who can answer your questions, and, most importantly, detailed exercises paired with their solutions.

To see our other course offerings, please click here to visit the "upcoming events" page on DebugAcademy.com:


All upcoming training courses

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