
Enroll Today

Don't wait - get started now! These live, online courses are being offered within the next few weeks.

Debug Academy students learning in a live classroom pre-pandemic
Skill Level
Accessible to all
Course Duration
Part-time for 3 months
Drupal 10 Web Development Training
Alert Message
Our most popular course, great for all levels!
Laptop with Symfony logo
Skill Level
Course Duration
1 day
PHP Object Oriented Programming with Symfony

Become a Web Developer with Drupal

There are many tools, frameworks, and content management systems (CMS) for building websites - why Drupal? Drupal is the product of choice for high-traffic websites. It is used by various governments around the world including the US, Australia and Brasil to name a few. It is also used by large companies such as Apple, Tesla, and others. Importantly, Drupal developers are highly sought after, and it is much easier to get a job interview for a Drupal position than it is for other web development technologies.

Debug Academy students learning in a live classroom pre-pandemic
Skill Level
Accessible to all
Course Duration
Part-time for 3 months
Drupal 10 Web Development Training
Alert Message
Our most popular course, great for all levels!
Laptop with Symfony logo
Skill Level
Course Duration
1 day
PHP Object Oriented Programming with Symfony
Drupal Site Building Laptop Illustration
Skill Level
Beginner friendly
Course Duration
1 day
Building Sites with Drupal | Drupal Training for Beginners
Debug Academy Information Session Q&A illustrated
Skill Level
Course Duration
30 minutes
Free Drupal Course Training Preview

Acquia Certification Prep

Want employers to take you seriously? It's time to attain an Acquia Certification. Now, these certification exams are not easy - but together, we can build you up with the skills needed to become an Acquia Certified Developer!

Acquia FE Certification Prep with Debug Academy Illustration
Skill Level
Course Duration
4 classes + packet + practice exam
Drupal 10 Acquia Front End Specialist Certification Training Course

Become a Drupal Architect

Already comfortable with the basics of web development? You know HTML and CSS, maybe you can find your way around PHP, but you don't feel comfortable creating forward-thinking code and architectures? Take one (or all!) of the architect series to learn what goes into building a scalable, maintainable, well-structured website and codebase.

web development
Skill Level
Architect series
Course Duration
Five 2.5 hour classes
Become a Drupal Architect Series (5 classes)
Alert Message
You get all 5 Architect classes for 20% off!
Debug Academy Drupal Drop 01 Series
Skill Level
Architect series
Course Duration
2.5 hours
Become a Drupal Architect (1/5): Performance & Scalability
Debug Academy Drupal Drop 02 Series
Skill Level
Architect series
Course Duration
2.5 Hours
Become a Drupal Architect (2/5): Writing maintainable, long-lasting code
Debug Academy Drupal Drop 03 Series
Skill Level
Architect series
Course Duration
2.5 hours
Become a Drupal Architect (3/5): Data & Information architecture
Block with code and the number 5 representing part 5 of the architect series
Skill Level
Architect series
Course Duration
2.5 Hours
Become a Drupal Architect (4/5): Theming & Frontend development
Debug Academy Drupal Drop 04
Skill Level
Architect series
Course Duration
2.5 Hours
Become a Drupal Architect (5/5): Automation: Quality assurance

Frontend Drupal Development

Drupal, Symfony, Laravel, Wordpress, Shopify -- what do all of these web development frameworks have in common? The languages used to implement their designs! Learn the fundamentals of frontend web development and carry those skills throughout your career. Take control of what your site looks like, and learn a skill that can carry you throughout your web development career - wherever it may take you.

Debug Academy students learning in a live classroom pre-pandemic
Skill Level
Accessible to all
Course Duration
Part-time for 3 months
Drupal 10 Web Development Training
Alert Message
Our most popular course, great for all levels!
Block with code and the number 5 representing part 5 of the architect series
Skill Level
Architect series
Course Duration
2.5 Hours
Become a Drupal Architect (4/5): Theming & Frontend development
network cloud of html css elements
Skill Level
Beginner friendly
Course Duration
four 2.5-hour sessions
HTML / CSS Ramp Up
Drupal workflow image
Skill Level
Course Duration
1 hour
Intro to Git
PHP and Javascript shown in Debug Academy portal with Drupal Drop
Skill Level
Beginner friendly
Course Duration
2 hours
JavaScript for PHP Developers
Skill Level
Course Duration
1 hour
Quick Intro to HTML/CSS

Backend Drupal development

Downloading modules contributed by others is great! But sometimes you just can't find the specific functionality you need. Why hire someone else to write custom modules for you? Here, you can learn how to create whatever modules your heart desires, all by yourself! Learn PHP, Symfony, Drupal modules, and even Advanced Drupal module development - our popular course which was sold out at multiple DrupalCon events

Laptop with Symfony logo
Skill Level
Course Duration
1 day
PHP Object Oriented Programming with Symfony
Laptop Illustration With Debug Academy Advanced Module Development Class
Skill Level
Course Duration
1 day
Advanced Drupal Module Development w/OOP PHP
Debug Academy Drupal Drop 01 Series
Skill Level
Architect series
Course Duration
2.5 hours
Become a Drupal Architect (1/5): Performance & Scalability
Debug Academy Drupal Drop 02 Series
Skill Level
Architect series
Course Duration
2.5 Hours
Become a Drupal Architect (2/5): Writing maintainable, long-lasting code
Debug Academy Drupal Drop 04
Skill Level
Architect series
Course Duration
2.5 Hours
Become a Drupal Architect (5/5): Automation: Quality assurance
Drupal Custom Module Development Illustration
Skill Level
Beginner friendly
Course Duration
4 Hours
Intro to Drupal 10 Module Development
Drupal workflow image
Skill Level
Course Duration
1 hour
Intro to Git
Debug Academy illustrates an introduction to coding in PHP
Skill Level
Beginner friendly
Course Duration
four 2.5-hour sessions
PHP Introductory Ramp-up Online

JavaScript, React, & Decoupled Drupal

JavaScript, React, Decoupled Drupal, Headless Drupal - you may have heard people mention these terms at conferences. These are more than buzzwords. Learn what the hype is all about by learning how to build webapp in JavaScript and React, as well as how to utilize Drupal in a decoupled architecture with a React-based frontend.

ReactJS logo in Debug Academy portal
Skill Level
Course Duration
1 day
Advanced ReactJS
PHP and Javascript shown in Debug Academy portal with Drupal Drop
Skill Level
Beginner friendly
Course Duration
2 hours
JavaScript for PHP Developers
Rect JS and Drupal Logo in Debug Academy illustration style
Skill Level
For devs proficient in JS or PHP
Course Duration
1 day
ReactJS With Drupal 10

Introduction to Web Development

Ease yourself into a web development career by first enrolling in our introductory courses. These courses offer an opportunity to experience what web development work is like before making a larger commitment to a career change.

Debug Academy students learning in a live classroom pre-pandemic
Skill Level
Accessible to all
Course Duration
Part-time for 3 months
Drupal 10 Web Development Training
Alert Message
Our most popular course, great for all levels!
Drupal Site Building Laptop Illustration
Skill Level
Beginner friendly
Course Duration
1 day
Building Sites with Drupal | Drupal Training for Beginners
Debug Academy Information Session Q&A illustrated
Skill Level
Course Duration
30 minutes
Free Drupal Course Training Preview
network cloud of html css elements
Skill Level
Beginner friendly
Course Duration
four 2.5-hour sessions
HTML / CSS Ramp Up
Drupal workflow image
Skill Level
Course Duration
1 hour
Intro to Git
Debug Academy illustrates an introduction to coding in PHP
Skill Level
Beginner friendly
Course Duration
four 2.5-hour sessions
PHP Introductory Ramp-up Online
Skill Level
Course Duration
1 hour
Quick Intro to HTML/CSS