Drupal vs Joomla: What are the Differences and Which Should You Learn?

August 30, 2023
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As you stand at the crossroads of your web development journey, the myriad of paths you can take can feel simultaneously exhilarating and daunting. 

Should you leap into the vast realm of languages, frameworks, and platforms, only to find that you've invested time and energy into a specialty that's waning in demand? Or worse, one that doesn't resonate with your core strengths and interests?

Joomla vs Drupal, two leading Content Management Systems (CMS), often emerge as contenders in this digital race. But which one should you, an aspiring web developer, bank on for a promising career? And if you're a business owner, which will serve your needs the best?

While both platforms have their merits, Drupal often surfaces as the CMS that offers a fine blend of flexibility, robustness, and future-readiness. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. 

Below, we’ll compare and contrast these platforms side by side to help you get a solid grasp on which is right for you. Then, we’ll offer tips on learning whichever you decide to go all in on to set yourself up for success. First, what is the difference between Joomla and Drupal?

What is the Difference Between Joomla and Drupal?

Joomla and Drupal are stalwarts in the world of Content Management Systems (CMS), empowering users to create digital landscapes that resonate with their audiences. While they share this overarching aim, their unique approaches and the audiences they cater to vary. 

A Brief Overview of Joomla

Joomla came into the scene in 2005 as an elegant solution to bridge the gap between complex content management platforms and user-friendly ones. 

It's like the middle child in the CMS family -  more advanced than WordPress in terms of capabilities but doesn't quite match the sheer flexibility and robustness of Drupal. Some characteristics of the platform include:

  • Usability: Joomla offers a relatively intuitive backend, which makes it user-friendly for beginners. Its admin interface is a step up from WordPress in terms of complexity but is still navigable for those new to CMS.
  • Extensions: Joomla has a vibrant ecosystem of extensions, both free and premium, that allow users to add specific functionalities to their sites. These are broadly categorized into components, modules, plugins, templates, and languages.
  • Multilingual Support: One area where Joomla shines is its native multilingual support, allowing developers and site owners to create multi-language sites without resorting to extensions.
  • Templates: Joomla uses templates to control the visual appearance of sites. This allows for a good degree of customization, albeit with a steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with CMS platforms.

Now, let’s introduce the other half of the Drupal vs Joomla debate.

A Brief Overview of Drupal

There’s a reason some of the biggest companies in the world use Drupal - Docusign, Nvidia, Home Depot, NIH, Pinterest, etc. Drupal's inception in the early 2000s marked the beginning of a CMS that was destined to cater to complex, large-scale, and customized web development projects.

While its adaptability and power make it suitable for mammoth projects, it does come with a steeper learning curve, making it the darling of more experienced web developers. 

That being said, there is a unique opportunity for devs to specialize in Drupal because others are deterred by this complexity. Simply put, you’ll be more in demand as a Drupal dev. More on that later. For now, here’s a quick snapshot of what Drupal offers:

  • Modularity: Drupal’s architecture thrives on modules. Think of them as building blocks, each adding a specific function. With thousands of these modules available, the customization potential is enormous.
  • Taxonomy System: Arguably, Drupal boasts the most advanced taxonomy system in the CMS domain, ideal for handling vast amounts of content and categorizing it seamlessly.
  • Custom Content Types: Unlike many other CMS platforms where you're limited to standard content types, Drupal shines in letting users define their content types, be it blogs, polls, user profiles, and more.
  • Performance and Scalability: Renowned for its scalability, Drupal is a perfect match for sites that anticipate rapid growth and heavy traffic. This is why many government websites and big organizations opt for Drupal.
  • Community: One of Drupal's strongest assets is its community. With a vast and active global community, there's a collaborative spirit that constantly drives the platform forward.

We will delve deeper into a side-by-side comparison of Joomla and Drupal across various parameters below

But even from this brief overview of Joomla vs Drupal, it's clear that differences exist. While Joomla seeks to offer a balanced experience, Drupal aims to equip developers with a platform where almost no project is too ambitious.

Drupal vs Joomla: Which Should You Learn as a Web Developer?

Before we compare and contrast Drupal vs Joomla side by side, let’s be clear - we’re speaking from the standpoint of which CMS is better for developers to learn. 

However, much of what we’ll discuss applies to those trying to choose a platform for their business website. 

That being said, let’s start by talking about ease of use. 

Ease of Use

Joomla has been known for its middle-ground approach. For those who have graduated from WordPress but find Drupal intimidating, Joomla is a comfortable haven. 

Its administrative interface is intuitive, with a plethora of built-in functionalities making the web development process straightforward for those familiar with CMS.

On the other hand, Drupal's robust nature also means it comes with a steeper learning curve. Beginners might find its interface a tad more complex, especially when delving into customizations. 

But with this complexity comes unmatched depth. Once over the initial hump, many developers appreciate the granular control they have over content and layout. 

And the reality is that while some devs are deterred by the complexity of Drupal, this just opens the door for more lucrative opportunities should you decide this is the best specializations in web development for you. 

Further to that point, learning drupal is easy when you have the right guide. Here at Debug Academy, we offer a suite of training programs to help you take this next step in your career and empower you to reach your full potential. 

More on that later - let’s get back to comparing Joomla vs Drupal side by side from a security standpoint. 


While Joomla has robust core security, its reliance on third-party extensions can sometimes introduce vulnerabilities. Regular updates and the use of well-vetted extensions are essential to maintain a secure Joomla site.

Meanwhile, Drupal has become a go-to for government websites and large corporations through recognition of its stellar security standards. 

Its tight security protocols and frequent updates make it a fortress against malicious attacks, explaining its appeal to high-profile sites. Again, that’s why it’s trusted by some of the companies we mentioned earlier. The White House even uses Drupal!


Joomla offers a variety of extensions (components, modules, and plugins) that enhance its functionality. While it provides ample room for customization, it doesn't quite match Drupal's breadth in this domain.

Drupal is a developer's playground when it comes to customization. Its module-based architecture, combined with themes and distributions, offers limitless possibilities. For those who love to tinker and craft unique digital experiences, Drupal is a dream.

Speed and Responsiveness

Now, let’s talk about performance. With optimized templates and proper caching, Joomla can deliver speedy websites. However, as you add more extensions, performance tuning becomes crucial to maintaining speed.

In contrast, Drupal is built with performance optimization in mind. These sites can handle massive traffic while ensuring rapid content delivery with proper configuration. Its in-built caching features play a significant role in this.


In choosing a CMS, it’s important to consider how big you plan on growing. Are you looking for a simple layout with a few landing pages? Or, do you want to set the stage for a massive e-commerce site with thousands of unique pages?

Joomla can handle medium-scale sites effectively. However, for vast, content-rich sites receiving high traffic, it might require substantial tweaking and optimization.

On the contrary, scalability is one of Drupal's standout features. It's built to grow with your needs. Whether you're managing a content-heavy site or expecting traffic surges, Drupal's architecture can gracefully handle the load.


We slightly mentioned the role of community in choosing a CMS earlier, but allow us to reiterate why this matters. 

When you’re troubleshooting bugs or pondering an experiment, being able to consult other devs who specialize in the CMS is invaluable. Fortunately, you can’t lose when choosing between Drupal vs Joomla from a community standpoint. 

Joomla boasts a committed community with active forums loaded with developers and users readily sharing solutions and advice. Regular updates and a sizable collection of extensions speak volumes about its vibrant user base.

That being said, it has been said that Drupal cannot be beaten in terms of community. In fact, the community side of things has been referred to as the backbone of the CMS platform. 

This open-source CMS thrives on the collaborative spirit of its members. Knowledge sharing and collective problem-solving are at Drupal's core with frequent global events, workshops, and forums.

Demand for Web Developers

Now, if you’re here trying to choose between Joomla vs Drupal because you are looking to become a web developer without a degree and don’t know which CMS sets you up for the best career, you’re in luck. This is the final point we’re going to consider in this side-by-side comparison.

The demand for Joomla developers remains steady, especially among small to medium businesses. Specializing in Joomla can open doors to numerous opportunities in this segment. But, the job market for Joomla devs pales in comparison to Drupal devs.

With its footprint in large enterprises, government sectors, and universities, the demand for proficient Drupal developers is high. 

Given its complexity, businesses are willing to invest in developers who excel in this platform, often translating to higher remuneration and long-term contracts. Think about it like this - if you’re going to take the time to master a CMS platform, why not choose the one that you’ll have an easier time finding a job for and earn more money for?

So, Which is Better: Drupal vs Joomla?

At this point, it’s time to provide a concrete answer as to which is better - Drupal vs Joomla. Ultimately, you’ll have to answer that question yourself based on your unique situation. However, our belief is that Drupal has an edge in too many ways for the competition to even be close.

While it’s harder to learn, that’s actually an advantage for devs who want to differentiate themselves in the job market. The CMS platform is a blank canvas ready to be painted to perfection how you see fit - offering more customization abilities than Joomla. 

What’s more, Drupal sites are more secure, faster, and scalable. That means that more businesses and government agencies trust this CMS - and thus, need devs that are capable of building working on/building these sites.

So, we hope this has left you with clarity as to which platform is better between Joomla vs Drupal. And now, we want to talk about your next steps with this information.

Tips for Learning Either Drupal or Joomla to Jumpstart Your Career in Web Development

Whether you choose to embark on a web development journey with Drupal or Joomla, here are pointers to steer you in the right direction:

  • Start with the Basics: Before diving in, get acquainted with CMS fundamentals - themes, content types, and core structures. It's the bedrock upon which you'll build.
  • Practice: Set up a local development environment and experiment. The more you play with the features, the more you'll grasp the nuances of your chosen platform.
  • Engage With the Community: Both platforms boast vibrant communities. Join forums, attend webinars, and immerse yourself. These interactions often lead to golden nuggets of knowledge.
  • Invest in Training: For those leaning towards Drupal, consider our tailored courses here at Debug Academy. They're structured to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and hands-on expertise, so you can hit the ground running once you complete the training. We have Drupal training for beginners, Drupal 9 training, Drupal certification training, and more. We even have a list of Drupal interview questions for when you start applying to jobs.
  • Showcase Your Work: As you hone your skills, curate a portfolio. It's your personal billboard to the world, highlighting your capabilities.
  • Stay Updated & Network: In this ever-evolving tech sphere, ensure you're updated with the latest trends and innovations. And never underestimate the power of networking - it might just lead you to your dream job.

Parting Thoughts on Joomla vs Drupal

In the ongoing debate between Drupal vs Joomla, it's clear that while both have their merits, Drupal stands out in numerous key areas. 

Its adaptability, strong community, and high demand make it a promising avenue for budding web developers. To truly excel and set yourself apart, consider investing in your growth. 

Debug Academy offers specialized Drupal courses, giving you the knowledge and hands-on experience you need. Dive in, upscale your skills, and remember: the best investment is always in yourself. There’s no better place to start than our free Drupal training.

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