How to Get a Web Developer Job Without Experience

August 30, 2023
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Starting a new career and getting a web development job without prior experience can seem daunting. You've spent countless hours learning, coding, and building projects, yet the job market appears to be a challenging frontier. 

The good news? You can learn how to get a web developer job without experience here in this detailed guide. We’ve helped many budding developers who have faced this same challenge, and we’re eager to do the same for you. 

The key is to navigate the job market strategically, leveraging all available resources and showcasing the value you can bring to a potential employer. By narrowing your focus on a specialization, you can set yourself up for success by standing out amongst a sea of generalists.

We’ll cover this along with other tips on getting a job as a web developer below. Learn and launch yourself into an exciting, lucrative career path with this complete guide on how to get an entry-level web developer job. First things first - how hard is it to get an entry-level web developer job?

How Hard is it to Get an Entry-Level Web Developer Job?

Let’s make one thing clear - by the time you finish this guide on how to get your first job as a web developer, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate this complex journey with confidence and clarity.

That being said, we want to help you set your expectations for what’s ahead. Discovering the world of web development and educating yourself on technical skills is the easy part. The real challenge lies in turning your skills into a paycheck.

Understanding the Web Development Job Market

Web development involves the creation and maintenance of websites and web applications. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there's an expected growth in web developer employment over the coming decade. 

This growth signifies opportunity. However, it's also a sign of an increasing number of aspirants, leading to a competitive entry-level market.

Common Misconceptions About Entry-Level Positions

  • Experience Requirement: A common misconception is that entry-level roles require years of experience. However, these roles are often about assessing potential, foundational skills, and a genuine interest in the field.
  • The Necessity of a Degree: While having a degree can be beneficial, many companies prioritize hands-on skills and practical knowledge. A strong portfolio can sometimes outweigh a formal education as we discussed in our guide on how to become a web developer without a degree.
  • Overemphasis on Technical Skills: Technical expertise is vital, but so are interpersonal skills. Companies value team players, effective communicators, and problem solvers.

Key Challenges Faced by Newbies

  • Skill Gaps: The tech world moves quickly. What was relevant a year ago might be outdated today. Keeping pace with evolving languages and tools can be daunting for newcomers.
  • Overwhelming Choices: With a plethora of programming languages, tools, and specializations, figuring out where to start or what to focus on can be overwhelming.
  • Imposter Syndrome: Many newcomers grapple with the feeling that they're "not good enough" or that they don't truly belong in the tech world. This lack of confidence can hinder job-seeking efforts.
  • Lack of Networking: Many entry-level positions are filled through referrals. For someone just starting, building that network of industry contacts can be a challenge.

While these challenges might seem steep, understanding them is half the battle. 

Armed with this knowledge, you're better equipped to navigate the complexities of the job market and pinpoint exactly where and how you can make your mark. 

That being said, here is how to get an entry-level web developer job.

How to Get a Web Developer Job Without Experience

Below, we’ll help you set out on the right foot as you dive into your first real career or make the transition from a different industry. Here is how to get a web developer job without experience - starting with the obvious point of becoming a valuable individual. 

Start with a Solid Foundation of Education

Let’s take a step back and zoom out. The question of “how to get an entry-level web developer job” is too vague. The reason you might be struggling with landing that first gig is that you don’t have the valuable skills that companies are hiring for.

So, before you take the time to start looking for jobs and sending in applications, immerse yourself in a specialized aspect of web development and hone your skills. Better yet, practice by creating/working on your own websites - this will come in handy in building a portfolio.

As we mentioned earlier, you don't necessarily need a formal degree to break into web development. While it does provide an excellent foundation, there is a faster and more affordable way to arm yourself with the skills necessary for this field: online courses and web development boot camps.

Our advice? Learn drupal. This is one of the best specializations in web development because it is highly sought after with a ton of government work at your fingertips. 

And, we can help you get started with our Drupal training for beginners, our Drupal bootcamp, or our Drupal certification training. In these programs, you get hands-on education with real projects that can be used in your portfolio. We may even be able to help with job placement after the completion of our training! 

With interest-free payment plans, there’s no reason not to invest in yourself today at Debug Academy. And after you run through our training, you’ll already have a headstart on the next stage in how to get a web developer job without experience: building a robust portfolio.

Building a Portfolio to Showcase Your Skills

Your portfolio is the mirror reflecting your skills and passion. It's your personal brand. We know what you’re thinking…how do I show off my work if I’m a complete beginner? Two options: work for free or try to land a one-off freelance gig.

We encourage you to start with personal projects - these could be anything from a digital diary, a local business website, or a unique web app that addresses a need you've identified. The reason being even freelance gigs will want some sort of proof of work that you know what you’re doing.

You can also apply for internships, which will likely be unpaid - but incredibly valuable. Not only is this an opportunity to build a portfolio, but it also opens the doors to invaluable networking opportunities, mentorship, and, at times, full-time job offers.

You could also consider reaching out to non-profits or local businesses in your region offering to work for free (or for some form of compensation if you are adamant about not working for free).

And if you're looking to not just build skills but also contribute to the larger tech community, consider diving into open-source projects. Platforms like GitHub host a myriad of such projects that welcome contributions from developers of all levels.

As we mentioned, we offer real projects in our Drupal training that can serve as the foundation of your portfolio. But, the technical side of things is only one piece of the puzzle. Let’s talk soft skills…

Mastering the Soft Skills

Web development isn't just about writing clean code. Effective communication is key. Whether you're explaining your rationale behind a particular solution, collaborating with a cross-functional team, or pitching a project to non-tech stakeholders, how you convey information can make all the difference. 

Additionally, your ability to solve problems creatively and manage your time efficiently can set you apart from the crowd. These soft skills are often inherent, but you can work on them too.

Networking is Your Secret Weapon

Building professional relationships is an integral component of landing that first web developer job. By immersing yourself in the tech community, you naturally elevate your visibility and forge connections that could lead to job opportunities. 

Participate actively in local tech meet-ups or web developer workshops where you can both learn and network. 

Online platforms like LinkedIn are also pivotal. Joining discussions, sharing your insights, and directly reaching out for advice or mentorship can catalyze your entry into the industry.

Crafting a Winning Resume and Cover Letter

Alongside your portfolio, you need to include a resume and a cover letter. When drafting your resume, emphasize your skills, projects, and any relevant accomplishments. 

Each application deserves a uniquely crafted cover letter. Dive deep into understanding the company, their ethos, and their needs, and tailor your letter to resonate with their culture and requirements.

Where to Find Your First Job

When you’ve taken the time to develop valuable skills, build a portfolio, and crafted a resume, it’s time to start throwing lines in the water and seeing what sticks.

Traditional job boards like Indeed or Glassdoor are teeming with opportunities. LinkedIn is another great place to find opportunities.

However, keeping a keen eye on specific companies through their official websites can uncover positions not listed elsewhere. This shows that you are interested in the specific company in question and not just going down a list of open positions on a job site.

And never underestimate the power of referrals - a simple recommendation from a trusted individual in the company can make your application stand out. This goes back to our advice on networking.

After submitting an application, be sure to follow up with a decision-maker and check in on the status of your application. Those who go the extra mile to get noticed and show how relentless they are about the opportunity are often selected for an interview. 

Tips on Impressing the Interviewers and Getting Hired

Getting an interview is the final hurdle before getting hired - and as such, it’s a huge source of stress and anxiety. But, this can be alleviated with the right mindset and a bit of preparation. 

Before any interview, do your homework on the company. Understand their products, history, and culture. Better yet, do some research into who is interviewing within the company - how long have they been there, what’s their role, and who are they as an individual? 

When in the interview, display your genuine curiosity by asking insightful questions. And if faced with technical challenges, focus on showcasing your problem-solving process just as much as arriving at the correct answer. 

We have a list of Drupal interview questions you can run through as your prep. After the interview, if you don’t hear back in a timely manner, don’t be afraid to reach back out. As we just mentioned, follow-ups are key in showing your passion and eagerness to work with a company.


There you have it - how to get a web developer job without experience! As you make your way through this exciting journey, remember that persistence, continuous learning, and a proactive approach will be your best allies. Your unique blend of passion and strategy will pave your way into the world of web development.

How Long Does it Take to Get an Entry-Level Web Developer Job?

Every budding web developer has this looming question on their mind: how long does it take to get an entry-level web developer job? 

Landing that first gig can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. 

But before diving into timelines, it's essential to recognize that there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Various elements come into play, influencing the duration of your job search.

Factors Influencing Your Job Search Duration

While some will land that first gig within a few weeks of searching, others may not have any luck with months of effort. Some of this can be attributed to luck and being in the right spot at the right time, but there are some other factors to consider: 

  • Educational Background: Individuals with a formal education in web development or a related field might have a slight edge. That's not to say self-taught developers don't make the cut. They do and often impressively so. However, the recognition of a degree can sometimes open doors a tad faster.
  • Skill Proficiency: It's not just about knowing the basics. Proficiency in multiple programming languages, familiarity with trending tools, and an understanding of current best practices can significantly influence your job search timeline.
  • Geographical Location: Some regions are bustling hubs for tech companies and startups, leading to more job openings. However, if you're in an area with limited opportunities, it might extend your search time.
  • Networking Efforts: As we've discussed, who you know can often fast-track opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable.
  • Quality of Applications: A well-tailored resume and a compelling cover letter, suited for the specific role, can make a difference. Shotgun approaches, where you send the same resume to multiple employers, often lead to longer waiting periods.
  • Economic Climate: External factors like the state of the economy can influence hiring trends. A booming economy might see more startups and thus more opportunities, while a recession might have the opposite effect.

Average Timeline for Getting a Web Development Job

For many starting from scratch, with no prior experience or education in web development, the timeline to getting a web development job looks something like this:

  • 0-3 months: This period is typically spent on foundational learning. By the end of these initial months, you might have a basic understanding but probably aren’t quite job-ready yet.
  • 4-6 months: As the skills solidify, many individuals start working on their portfolios, personal projects, or even take on small freelance tasks. By the end of this period, a beginner might start the job application process, though offers could be rare.
  • 7-12 months: With a more robust skill set, a decent portfolio, and possibly some freelance experience, the chances of landing interviews increase. Many individuals secure their first job in this timeframe.
  • 12+ months: Some might take longer, especially if they're learning part-time or facing a highly competitive job market. But if you haven’t been given a chance by someone after a year of effort, there is something wrong on your end and you’ll need to rethink your approach.

Of course, there is never going to be a one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how long it takes to get a job in web development. 

That being said, the sooner you take action on what we’ve taught today, the sooner you’re going to collect that first paycheck. So, it’s time we wrapped up this guide on how to get a web developer job without experience.

Closing Thoughts on How to Get an Entry-Level Web Developer Job

While you came here feeling stressed and uncertain as to how to get your first job as a web developer, we hope this guide has transformed your mindset and left you confident and clear on your next steps.

From mastering the technical skills to networking effectively, each step is a milestone toward your goal. It's essential to stay dedicated, be proactive, and remember the importance of continual learning in this ever-evolving field.

As we close out this guide on how to get a web developer job without experience, know that the digital realm's demand for fresh talent is ever-present. With persistence and the right strategies, your first web developer position is within reach. 

At Debug Academy, we're committed to helping you navigate this path and achieve your career aspirations. Let's make your dream a reality together. Get our free Drupal training and see what’s possible with us on your side.

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