Drupal vs Sharepoint: Which is the Better CMS?

October 30, 2023
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Maybe you’re building your own website and don’t know where to begin. Or, perhaps you’re diving into a career in web development and are searching for the best specialization

Either way, you’ll come across tons of options, but two seem to capture most of the attention: Drupal vs Sharepoint. But what are the differences between these CMS platforms, and which is better for your unique needs or goals?

You’ve come to the right place, as we’re going to uncover the advantages each has over the other in this detailed comparison. We’ll highlight the most important features to consider in a CMS - from ease of use to customization, security to scalability, performance, and more.

The truth is, though, you can save yourself the time reading along and learn Drupal. Its unparalleled adaptability, robust security protocols, and supportive ecosystem make it the premier choice for just about any use case.

And here at Debug Academy, our Drupal courses are the #1 way to speed up your learning curve and hit the ground running with confidence. That being said, let’s get into the differences between Sharepoint vs Drupal below.

What is Drupal?

First things first - what is Drupal? This CMS was born in 2001 and has evolved from a student project into a leading open-source content management system (CMS). 

Its founder Dries Buytaert envisioned a platform that prioritizes innovation, freedom, and community collaboration. Drupal is still relevant today and powers millions of websites from those of the US government to Tesla, embodying a philosophy of openness and versatility.

There’s a reason it’s still around more than two decades later, too. It’s a platform committed to flexibility, empowering users to build diverse digital experiences. Its architecture encourages customization, fostering a creative environment where developers can innovate without restrictions. 

There is also a thriving global community that propels Drupal forward. Developers, content creators, and users collaborate, contributing modules, themes, and support, ensuring the platform remains cutting-edge and secure.

Whether you’re wondering where to build a scalable e-commerce store or trying to become a web developer without degree and aren’t sure where to start, you can’t go wrong with Drupal. It’s the clear choice in the Drupal vs Sharepoint debate.

But, we need to introduce the other half of this conversation in order to elaborate on why that is…

What is Sharepoint?

So, what is Sharepoint? This web-based collaboration platform was integrated with and launched via Microsoft Office in 2001. SharePoint is designed to enhance efficiency and productivity in organizational settings, facilitating document management and collaboration.

The platform fosters collaboration and streamlines document management within enterprises. Its integration with Microsoft’s suite of tools reflects a commitment to creating a seamless user experience, catering especially to businesses already entrenched in the Microsoft ecosystem.

While this integration is a huge selling point, it also holds the CMS back in other ways. If you don’t use Microsoft Office products you may find it clunky or limiting.

SharePoint is predominantly utilized in corporate settings, serving as an intranet portal for document sharing and collaboration. Companies like ViacomCBS and MGM Resorts International leverage SharePoint to streamline their internal processes and enhance employee collaboration.

So, what exactly makes Drupal better than Sharepoint? Let’s get into what you came here for today - our thorough side-by-side comparison of Drupal vs Sharepoint.

Drupal vs Sharepoint: Which CMS is Superior?

Let’s make one thing clear before we compare Sharepoint vs Drupal side by side. Each has its place. 

When it comes to internal use for companies that are already integrated with Microsoft Office, Sharepoint has an obvious edge. But for virtually any other use case, Drupal is the clear winner.

That being said, let’s compare Sharepoint vs Drupal below to help you fully understand the intricate differences between each of these CMS platforms. 

Ease of Use and Learning Curve

Drupal has a steep learning curve for beginners. However, this complexity comes with unparalleled power and flexibility, rewarding those who invest time in mastering its intricacies. 

It’s an investment in long-term mastery, with a wide array of tools and options that can be overwhelming initially but beneficial for complex project requirements. 

And, you can essentially press the fast-forward button on the timeline to find your first job or get your first website live when you learn Drupal here at Debug Academy. We streamline the process and empower you to set out on the right foot.

SharePoint, with its integration into the familiar Microsoft Office suite, offers a more user-friendly entry point, particularly for those already accustomed to the Microsoft ecosystem. 

However, its seemingly simpler interface can sometimes mask the complexities involved in its setup and customization, potentially leading to challenges down the road for more intricate use cases. Furthermore, you’ll find that the ease of use is great at first - but eventually, you crave more out of your CMS. 


Drupal is renowned for its robust security measures, with a dedicated security team and a strong track record in responding to vulnerabilities. 

Its open-source nature allows for continuous scrutiny and improvements from developers worldwide, contributing to its reputation as a secure CMS option.

SharePoint benefits from its tech giant parent company’s vast resources and commitment to security. Its integration with the broader Microsoft ecosystem can provide additional layers of security, especially for enterprises already utilizing other Microsoft services.

Customization and Flexibility

Drupal stands out in its capacity for customization and flexibility. It caters to a diverse range of needs and preferences with thousands of modules and themes available, empowering users to tailor their site exactly to their specifications. 

Its open-source nature further enhances this, as users can modify and extend the platform as needed. If you don’t want to feel limited by your CMS, Drupal is for you. SharePoint offers a range of customization options, but these are sometimes limited by its proprietary nature. 

While it provides various templates and tools for intranet solutions, users might find themselves restricted when it comes to more extensive customizations or unique requirements.

Community and Support

Drupal’s vibrant community is one of its greatest assets, with thousands of developers, designers, and users contributing to its ecosystem. 

This ensures a wealth of resources, from modules to themes and support forums, fostering an environment of collaboration and innovation. Should you run into a roadblock help is never hard to find.

On the other hand, SharePoint’s user base primarily consists of enterprise-level users, with support often mediated through Microsoft’s official channels. 

While there is a community around SharePoint, it might not exhibit the same level of engagement and openness as Drupal’s, potentially impacting the availability of peer support and free resources. 


When we talk about performance, we’re discussing things like loading speed, uptime, SEO, etc. This is critical for driving results from the website - whether it’s leads or sales, support, or anything else.

Drupal’s performance is highly scalable and can be optimized for high-traffic websites, providing a fast and reliable experience for users. Its core is designed to handle complex content relationships and taxonomies, making it a powerhouse for content-rich websites. 

However, to truly capitalize on Drupal’s performance capabilities, users need a good understanding of its caching mechanisms and performance optimization strategies. This is the type of stuff we cover in our Drupal training for beginners

Meanwhile, SharePoint delivers dependable performance, particularly for document management and collaboration tasks. 

However, its performance can be affected as the complexity and size of the site grow, and it may require additional resources and optimization to maintain optimal speed.

Cost of Ownership

Drupal is free to download and use, thanks to its open-source nature. However, the total cost of ownership includes hosting, development, and maintenance expenses. 

While it might require a higher upfront investment in terms of development expertise, its flexibility can lead to cost savings in the long run, as solutions can be tailored precisely to user needs.

SharePoint’s costs are tied to the Microsoft ecosystem, with expenses incurred through licensing, hosting (if using SharePoint Server), and any additional Microsoft services required. These costs can quickly add up for smaller businesses or individual users, making SharePoint a potentially more expensive option in the long run.

Integration and Compatibility

Drupal’s extensive library of modules allows for a wide range of integrations, from CRM systems to social media. Its open API architecture facilitates compatibility with numerous third-party applications and services, ensuring that Drupal can be seamlessly integrated into diverse digital ecosystems.

SharePoint excels in integration within the Microsoft ecosystem, providing seamless compatibility with Microsoft Office applications and other Microsoft services. 

However, when it comes to third-party integrations outside of this ecosystem, users might find SharePoint to be less flexible than Drupal. That’s why we give Drupal an edge here - it can integrate with virtually anything you need it to!

Mobile Responsiveness

Websites are no longer designed with just desktop users in mind. Mobile is becoming more and more important these days, as nearly 40% of internet users are on mobile at any given time.

Drupal prioritizes responsive design, ensuring that content and layouts adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes. 

The community offers a variety of themes and modules dedicated to enhancing mobile responsiveness, providing users with the tools they need to create mobile-friendly websites.

SharePoint also supports mobile responsiveness, with mobile views and apps designed to access SharePoint content on the go. While it ensures accessibility from mobile devices, the user experience might not be as optimized or customizable as with Drupal.

So, Which is Better Drupal or Sharepoint?

Deciding between Drupal vs SharePoint ultimately hinges on your specific needs, objectives, and the environment in which you are operating. The ideal use case varies for each CMS as we’ve touched on throughout this conversation.

Drupal shines when it comes to flexibility, extensive customization, and catering to content-heavy websites. It stands out for its open-source nature, vast community support, and the vast array of modules that allow you to build a website tailored to your precise requirements. 

Drupal is the superior choice if your priority is a content-rich, highly customizable site that can scale and evolve alongside your business. On the other hand, SharePoint integrates seamlessly into corporate environments, especially those already entrenched in the Microsoft ecosystem.

Its robust document management and collaboration tools make it a go-to for businesses looking to streamline their internal workflows and enhance team productivity. 

So, are you looking for a CMS for internal use? Stick with Sharepoint. Want to launch a career in web development or build your own website for an external audience? Drupal is the clear choice.

How Does Drupal Compare to Other CMS Besides Sharepoint?

But, how does Drupal compare to other popular CMS platforms? We’ve recently compared Drupal vs Joomla and Wordpress vs Drupal in similar guides to this one. And, you’ll find similar outcomes in comparing these two platforms to Drupal as well.

Drupal offers more out-of-the-box customization and flexibility compared to WordPress. While WordPress might have a gentler learning curve, Drupal excels in handling complex content structures, making it a better fit for larger, content-intensive websites.

Like Drupal, Joomla is open-source and offers a degree of flexibility. However, Drupal’s community and extensive library of modules give it an edge in terms of scalability and customization.

Learn Drupal Here at Debug Academy!

Debug Academy is your trusted guide whether you’re a seasoned developer looking to expand your skills, or a beginner eager to step into the world of web development. Our comprehensive Drupal courses are designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills you need to excel in Drupal development.

Learn from experienced instructors, get hands-on experience, and join a community of like-minded individuals all striving towards mastery in Drupal. Don’t just take our word for it - explore our courses and see how Debug Academy can be your stepping stone to a successful career in Drupal development. 

We have everything from a free Drupal training to a more robust Drupal bootcamp, and we even help with Drupal certification training. From assisting with Drupal migration services to helping you prepare for Drupal interview questions, count on us as your mentor for every step of this journey! Explore our courses as we wrap up this guide to Sharepoint vs Drupal.

Closing Thoughts on Sharepoint vs Drupal

In summarizing our deep dive into Drupal vs Sharepoint, it’s evident that Drupal’s extensive customization, robust community, and impressive flexibility position it as a superior choice for many. 

Whether you're building a complex website or aspiring to master web development, Drupal presents a world of possibilities. That being said, Sharepoint does have its place as a means of sharing internal documents.

You can learn more about how to get a web developer job without experience, Drupal certification cost, getting jr web developer jobs, and other topics related to a career as a dev in our blog.

But, if you’re ready to take the next step and unlock your potential, explore the world-class Drupal curriculum at Debug Academy. Start your journey to mastery today

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